The Big Bad Wolf
I'm driving myself crazy these days. Being home alone hasn't been much of a problem, actually no problem at all for me, time to do what I want to do. But my mind has been weak and I'm so fearful of everything I can think of lately. I have to find a way to shake it, so here I begin with confession. I'm afraid.
Perhaps it started with my "chasing" episode. I was walking from Rocket back to Sew EZ on my lunch break when fella rolled his window down and cat called me. I gave the obvious "is that directed at me?" glance and disgusted at discovering it was kept walking with my head up and looking straight on, ignoring his insistence that I come to his truck. As I approached the end of the next building to reveal the alley behind, I saw his truck go splashing across and his hand out the window hollering still, "come here!". NO! WAY! At the next corner his truck was quickly approaching me and I yelled at him to leave me alone and that I was not interested that I was married and had a family...his persistence still insisted "no you don't! I know who you are!" and squealed his tires and sped off into the street. Rest assured, my heart is healthy and I can run, sort of. Fear.
I fear the economy and money.
I fear depression and sadness, restlessness.
I fear death or illness with my children or Abe.
I fear death or illness of my parents.
I fear someone causing my household harm.
I fear hopelessness....
I breathe all these fears out, and breathe in
The light of loved ones.
The light of peace, hope and love.
The light of safe shelter and good food.
The light of crafting.
The light of occupation.
Perhaps it started with my "chasing" episode. I was walking from Rocket back to Sew EZ on my lunch break when fella rolled his window down and cat called me. I gave the obvious "is that directed at me?" glance and disgusted at discovering it was kept walking with my head up and looking straight on, ignoring his insistence that I come to his truck. As I approached the end of the next building to reveal the alley behind, I saw his truck go splashing across and his hand out the window hollering still, "come here!". NO! WAY! At the next corner his truck was quickly approaching me and I yelled at him to leave me alone and that I was not interested that I was married and had a family...his persistence still insisted "no you don't! I know who you are!" and squealed his tires and sped off into the street. Rest assured, my heart is healthy and I can run, sort of. Fear.
I fear the economy and money.
I fear depression and sadness, restlessness.
I fear death or illness with my children or Abe.
I fear death or illness of my parents.
I fear someone causing my household harm.
I fear hopelessness....
I breathe all these fears out, and breathe in
The light of loved ones.
The light of peace, hope and love.
The light of safe shelter and good food.
The light of crafting.
The light of occupation.